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Your Profile

A voice2json profile contains everything necessary to recognize voice commands, including:


A YAML file with settings that override the defaults. This file typically contains the profile language’s name and locale code, as well as an eSpeak voice to use for word pronunciations.

For Kaldi-based profiles, kaldi.model-type must be set to either gmm or nnet3.

Environment Variables

You can use the !env constructor in your profile.yml file to expand environment variables inside string values.

voice2json makes the following environment variables are available when profiles are loaded:

Default Settings

The default values for all profile settings are stored in etc/profile.defaults.yml.

  # Path to pre-built acoustic model directory
  # For deepspeech: $profile_dir/model/output_graph.pbmm
  acoustic-model: !env "${profile_dir}/acoustic_model"
  # Path to custom ARPA language model
  # For deepspeech: $profile_dir/lm.binary
  language-model: !env "${profile_dir}/language_model.txt"
  # Path to custom pronunciation dictionary
  dictionary: !env "${profile_dir}/dictionary.txt"
  # Pocketsphinx-specific settings
    # Path to tuned acoustic model matrix (pocketsphinx only)
    mllr-matrix: !env "${profile_dir}/mllr_matrix"

  # Text file with word examples for each phoneme in the pronunciation dictionary
  phoneme-examples-file: !env "${profile_dir}/phoneme_examples.txt"

  # True if acoustic model uses phonemes for pronunciations
  phoneme-pronunciations: true

  # Kaldi-specific settings
    # Type of Kaldi model (either nnet3 or gmm)
    model-type: ""

    # Path to directory with custom HCLG.fst
    graph-directory: !env "${profile_dir}/acoustic_model/graph"

    # Path to directory with pre-built HCLG.fst (open transcription)
    base-graph-directory: !env "${profile_dir}/acoustic_model/model/graph"

  # Mozilla DeepSpeech-specific settings
    # Path to trie generate from sentences.ini
    trie: !env "${profile_dir}/trie"

    # Path to large, pre-built binary language model (open transcription)
    base-language-model: !env "${profile_dir}/model/lm.binary"

    # Path to large, pre-built trie (open transcription)
    base-true: !env "${profile_dir}/model/true"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Path to custom intent graph (stored as a gzipped networkx pickle)
  intent-graph: !env "${profile_dir}/intent.pickle.gz"
  # True if text should not be strictly matched
  fuzzy: true

  # Path to text file with common words to ignore (fuzzy matching only)
  stop_words: !env "${profile_dir}/stop_words.txt"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Type of acoustic model.
  # One of: pocketsphinx, kaldi, julius, deepspeech.
  acoustic-model-type: "pocketsphinx"

  # Path to pre-built acoustic model directory
  acoustic-model: !env "${profile_dir}/acoustic_model"

  # Path to file with custom intents and sentences
  sentences-file: !env "${profile_dir}/sentences.ini"

  # Path to text file with intents that will be considered for training.
  # All intents will be considered if this file is missing.
  intent-whitelist: !env "${profile_dir}/intent_whitelist"

  # Directory containing text files, one for each $slot referenced in sentences.ini
  slots-directory: !env "${profile_dir}/slots"
  # Directory containing programs, one for each $slot referenced in sentences.ini
  slot-programs-directory: !env "${profile_dir}/slot_programs"
  # Directory containing programs, one for each !converter referenced in sentences.ini
  converters-directory: !env "${profile_dir}/converters"
  # Path to write custom intent finite state transducer
  intent-fst: !env "${profile_dir}/intent.fst"
  # Path to write custom ARPA language model
  language-model: !env "${profile_dir}/language_model.txt"
  # Path to write custom pronunciation dictionary
  dictionary: !env "${profile_dir}/dictionary.txt"

  # Path to extra word pronunciations outside of base dictionary
  custom-words-file: !env "${profile_dir}/custom_words.txt"

  # Action to take when multiple pronunciations for a word are available.
  # One of: "append", "overwrite_once", "overwrite_always".
  custom-words-action: "append"

  # Path to write words without any known pronunciation
  unknown-words-file: !env "${profile_dir}/unknown_words.txt"

  # Path to extra word pronunciations based on existing words instead of phonemes
  sounds-like-file: !env "${profile_dir}/sounds_like.txt"

  # Action to take when multiple pronunciations for a "sounds like" word are available.
  # One of: "append", "overwrite_once", "overwrite_always".
  sounds-like-action: "append"

  # Path to pre-built ARPA language model (open transcription)
  base-language-model: !env "${profile_dir}/base_language_model.txt"
  # Path to save compiled finite state transducer for base language model
  base-language-model-fst: !env "${profile_dir}/base_language_model.fst"

  # Amount of base language model to mix into custom language model
  base-language-model-weight: 0.0
  # Path to pre-built pronunciation dictionary
  base-dictionary: !env "${profile_dir}/base_dictionary.txt"
  # Path to model used to guess unknown word pronunciation
  grapheme-to-phoneme-model: !env "${profile_dir}/g2p.fst"

  # Path to Phonetisaurus alignment corpus for base dictionary
  grapheme-to-phoneme-corpus: !env "${profile_dir}/g2p.corpus"

  # Force word case during dictionary lookup/g2p.
  # One of ignore, upper, lower.
  word-casing: "ignore"

  # Force word case during dictionary g2p.
  # One of default (use word-casing), upper, lower.
  g2p-word-casing: "default"

  # When true, numbers (e.g. 100) are replaced with words (one hundred).
  # This is supported for most, but not all voice2json languages.
  replace-numbers: true

  # Kaldi-specific settings
    # Type of Kaldi model (either nnet3 or gmm)
    model-type: ""

    # Path to directory where custom HCLG.fst will be written
    graph-directory: !env "${profile_dir}/acoustic_model/graph"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Sensitivity (0-1)
  sensitivity: 0.5

  # Mycroft Precise settings
      # Path to precise-engine executable.
      # Use $PATH if empty.
      engine-executable: ""

      # Path to model .pb file
      model-file: !env "${voice2json_dir}/etc/precise/hey-mycroft-2.pb"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Minimum number of seconds a voice command must last (ignored otherwise)
  minimum-seconds: 2

  # Maximum number of seconds a voice command can last (timeout otherwise)
  maximum-seconds: 30

  # Seconds of speech detected before voice command is considered started
  speech-seconds: 0.3

  # Seconds of silence before voice command is considered ended
  silence-seconds: 0.5

  # Seconds of audio before voice command starts to retain in output
  before-seconds: 0.5

  # Seconds of audio to ignore before voice command
  skip-seconds: 0.0

  # webrtcvad specific settings
    # Speech filtering aggressiveness 0-3 (3 is most aggressive) 
    vad-mode: 3

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # espeak specific settings
    # Path to map between dictionary and espeak phonemes
    phoneme-map: !env "${profile_dir}/espeak_phonemes.txt"

    # Command to execute to pronounce some espeak phonemes
    pronounce-command: "espeak-ng -s 80 --stdout [[{phonemes}]]"

    # Command to speak sentence
    speak-command: "espeak-ng --stdout \"{sentence}\""

    # URL to do GET requests
    process-url: "http://localhost:59125/process"

    # Path to map between dictionary and MaryTTS phonemes
    phoneme-map: !env "${profile_dir}/marytts_phonemes.txt"

    # Token used to end a MaryTTS sentence during pronunciation.
    # I get weird pronunciations when punctuation is missing.
    sentence-end: "."

    # prosody rate used for pronunciation
    pronounce-rate: "5%"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Command to execute to record raw 16-bit 16Khz mono audio
  record-command: "arecord -q -r 16000 -c 1 -f S16_LE -t raw"

  # Command to convert WAV data to 16-bit 16Khz mono (stdin -> stdout)
  convert-command: "sox -t wav - -r 16000 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 -t wav -"

  # Command to play a WAV file (stdin)
  play-command: "aplay -q -t wav"

  # Expected audio format.
  # Convert command is run if a different format is given.
    sample-rate-hertz: 16000
    sample-width-bits: 16
    channel-count: 1